Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Why I Hate Winter

1. most all of us sick at the same time

2. most all of us sick for extended amounts of time

3. most all of us sick again...and again...and again

4. getting out the door with three small children in warm clothes, sock, shoes, coat, hat,
gloves, the favorite toy of the day (x 3), and sippee cups. Oh wait...don't forget the
diaper bag (and the baby)!

5. cold weather

6. cold car

7. gets dark really early

8. it's too cold to use our sunroom/playroom unless we want to experience #4 listed above
minus the diaper bag.

The only thing I like about winter is I got a new coat. It's purple. I love purple.

(taken just after Ryan called his mom and groaned "All four of my girls are sick!")


Bob Hansel said...

Oh girl, I'm so sorry!

Wendy said...

Boo! It's no fun to have three kids sick at the same time! You'll feel better once it gets warmer. Hang in there!

Taylor said...
